Tuesday 10 July 2012

Queen Salote College

 Lama ho loto ta'ahine Kuini Salote

Queen Salote College is one of the most unique schools here in Tonga for girls. 

I got in to Queen Salote College in 2001 and finished in 2007. During my time in Queen Salote, I was able to learn about different things, not only the study of academic but we were also trained good mothers and wives for the future. 

We learn to dance 'tau'olunga' and also 'ma'ulu'ulu'. When it comes to big occassions such as the King's birthday, or one of the 'fuifuilupe's' birthday then we are asked to perform a Tongan dance on that special occassion. 

I'm so proud that I am a Queen Salote ex-student. 
LAMA HO LOTO si'eku moto;
The year 2007, was my graduation year. I will never forget that unforgettable time with my fellow 6Z class haha. We had this Social Night and we invited Toloa & Tupou High School. It was hell of a night, because we end up at my house after that having this after social night thingy lolss. We stayed up until morning. Some of the girls were pretending they're drinking 'kava' but it was only 'vai fakasuka'. hahaha At midnight we walked to drop off this other girl to her house, some of us were still wearing their Ko Ku Sa T-shirts. 
Just then a car stopped by us and gosh it was one of our Tutors hahaha busted and she thought we went haua that night. hooooye... we didn't get into trouble though lolss .! 

Graduation day was da saddest day for me and friends in QSC.  
We knew that we'll be parted and go on different directions but it was the day of glory because it's the moment we've all been waiting for. All the hardship that we've come through is over but we will be the Lama ho loto girls of 2007. =] 

Now that I've left Queen Salote College how many years now, but will never forget our 'kolisi 'ofa'anga', the school that made us what we are today. My heart remains at Queen Salote College . 

Loads of ♥ love ♥
Diola Gladyz

Monday 9 July 2012

Gladyz is from Fata'ulua, Niuafo'ou

Diola Gladyz
Niuafo'ou Is.
Funga Vailahi

Hello & Malo e lelei ,

I think I haven't mentioned that i'm from this little Island of Niuafo'ou which is known by most Tongans as the most Northerly Island in the Kingdom of Tonga. 

My dad was born and raised there. He has experienced all the hardship in the little Island. Their main source of food was mainly from the sea. His father always go fishing and even try other ways that he could to gain money for school fees, and other things as well. 

I remembered when I was still one years of age, my parents took me with them to Niuafo'ou because my dad used to work for the government so he had to go work for the Ministry of Finance at Niuafo'ou. Sad that I was still a baby so I can't even remember anything by that time. We came back to Tongatapu and after a few years we went to Niua again but I was 7 years old by then. This time I spent most of my time exploring and try to know more about the island. I even learn how to ride horses which was their main source of transportation by the time. I had so much fun, such as going with some friends and collect mangoes from the bush, we played silly games such as hide-n-seek (langatoi) and so much more that I can't even remember. 

Some have migrated from Niuafo'ou to the Main Island for Education, Marriage, owned their own land, etc. Looking back to where they grew up has meant nothing to them no more. But to me, I think that I wouldn't be this successful person as I thought I am today, If weren't for the support of the people whom I loved, that have been raised up in Niuafo'ou with a brave heart and souls. I will never forget my beloved Island, I would love to go back and work for the people of Niua. 


About me..

Diola Gladyz Pongi

Hello && Malo e Lelei,

My name is Kalatiola Gladyz Pongi, Tongan and this be my first time blogging. I've been dreaming to become a writer ever since I was a child but then my parents had to push me onto a different direction. 

Anyways I've growned up to whom I am today, and things have been going out just fine. Thanks to my Mum & Dad and families. 

I went to Queen Salote College, graduated and then went to Tupou Tertiary Institute, graduated level 5 & 6 and then my parents sent me to NZ for my Level 7 in Information Technology (IT). 

I was brought up well by my parents. They taught me to do so many good things saying it is the best way for parents to brought up their kids with. 

I gotta say this; I've been that good girl they wanted me to be, but at the same time I wanted to experience what's it really like on the other side of that. So I tried it and I came to realize it wasn't so bad after all. I made new friends, I go to social places, parties and even meet new people which whom I prefer to be soul-mates

Nobody is perfect in this world, almost everybody has mistakes. But this is not the end of the world, we gotta experience almost everything knowing what's bad and what's good. 

But anyways, we should always be aware of what our parents are trying to tell us, it's not that they hated us, it's just that they love us sooooo much that they always wanna protect us in every way they could. 

Believe it or not, you will grow up to be that beautiful person yuu always wanted to be.. Trust meee